After studying hard for years and finally becoming university students, some may think it is time to do whatever they like because no one would restrain their conduct or impel them to study as if they were still in senior high. With such liberty based on their self-discipline, four-year university life can be a crucial time for transforming teenagers into adults, developing a range of skills and getting ready to be responsible for themselves before entering the workforce. Students who know to invest in themselves during this period are more liable to have bright career prospects.

What does it mean to invest in oneself? It has nothing to do with money. Making every use of resources provided by the educational facility can be the first step. These resources may include an online course assistant system, approachable teaching-studying materials, multifarious amenities like a well-stocked library, a multifunctional gym, various technological equipment, etc. As every student accesses the same resources, only those who make it into practice can benefit from them.
Secondly, students can meet different people apart from their classmates by participating in extracurricular activities, which helps them explore potential interests and capabilities. For instance, some students may have a handful of ideas kept in mind while being too bashful to speak aloud, and it can be a great help for them to join the school debating society. By emulating how senior students do and constant practice, fears no longer exist, and they may even become methodical and persuasive, convincing people to take their views.

Following the increased globalisation, it is easier to find foreigners around, even in an island country like Taiwan, which provides chances to learn diverse languages and cultures. Instead of being self-centred and narrow-minded, to avoid being eliminated by the fast-changing world, university students must open themselves to diversity, pay attention to worldwide issues and approach the unknown without bias. With those requirements fit, they then become members of global citizens.
The above are just a few means to invest in oneself when studying at university. One must know that no so-called good or bad, brilliant or stupid students exist. Those who have promising opportunities as soon as they graduate are usually conscious of the importance of self-investment instead of fiddling around and never bothering to figure their career goals out. Occasionally, it may be frustrating for some students and cause them a lack of motivation when their efforts do not get paid back as soon as they expect. However, once bearing the saying “no pain, no gain” in mind and patiently giving time some time, they will eventually know they have been already walking on the way leading to success.